  • 期刊

Quantitative and Visualized Interpretation of Public Works Civil Litigation Scenario of First Instance Review in Taiwan



Existing studies regarding public works disputes and claims have drawn on small-scale cases to the exclusion of other cases and few have met the requirements of statistical tests. This paper performs an investigation of a total of 400 cases of civil litigation in which owners lost their disputes in Taiwan High Courts and branches between 1999 and 2008. Category analysis coding is used to construct a Log-linear model for judgment decisions; this model is augmented by Multiple Correspondence Analysis to reduce judicial opinions of over 4 million words to a two-dimensional figure, allowing for visual interpretation and identifying specific cases for future examination. The primary findings were: (1) the Government Procurement Law has contribute to shortening litigation times: (2) professional engineering agencies are easily involved in lawsuits, (3) the First-Instance judgments affirmed rate by High Courts is 52.38%; (4) the rejection of the First Instance review of court houses in different regions are different.
