  • 期刊


A Case-based Decision Support System: Web-based Architecture for Implementing Psychiatric Disorder Diagnosis



在精神醫療領域中,精神疾病的診斷是非常重要的工作。傳統的精神疾病診斷工作,是由精神科醫師將收集到的病患資料,依據客觀的診斷準則與主觀的經驗做出診斷,這當中除了需有一套具信、效度的疾病分類診斷準則之外,醫師臨床經驗的累積亦是相當重要的。在醫學診斷上,一直以來,有許多研究者希冀透過人工智慧的方法建置決策支援系統或專家系統來幫助醫師診斷的工作,不過關於精神疾病診斷方面的研究並不多見。因此,本研究希望結合個案庫(Case base)與法則庫(Rule base)的方法,以網際網絡的架構(Web-based),建構一套可供精神疾病診斷之用的個案庫決策支援系統(Case-based Decision Support Systems),以幫助精神科醫師決策支援,並且發展作為精神疾病知識管理(Knowledge Management)系統架構之用。


In the problem domain of psychiatric medical therapy, psychiatric disease diagnosis is a critical issue. Traditional psychiatric disease diagnosis is implementing by psychology doctor in terms of collecting the data from patients and diagnosing with the objective rules and subjective experience. These rules and experience are very important played as the role for referencing and decision making. Since a long time, in Artificial Intelligence, a lot of research works are focused on how to built and implement decision support or expert system on medical diagnosis in term of helping the doctor on the psychiatric disorder diagnosis procedure. However, there are a few researches of A. I. on diagnosis. This research investigates a case-based decision support system that incorporated case base and rule base method for supporting psychiatric disorder diagnosis and knowledge management.


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