  • 期刊


Characteristics and Determinants of Economic Resilience of Industrial Parks


經濟恢復力(Economic Resilience)是近幾年持續存在的議題,在2007-2008年的全球金融海嘯對各地造成嚴重之衝擊,且隨著產業全球化與知識科技的提升,關於這樣的經濟危機與產業演變,經濟恢復力的概念已引來相當多的關注。國內之編定工業區,發展至今已約五十餘年,創造可觀的經濟規模,然而,在時間演化下,當內在需求與外在環境改變時,工業區之發展亦面臨再調整、產業轉型等困境,也因此須檢視,在面對不同性質衝擊時,我國編定工業區之恢復力如何。爰此,本研究將以台南市及高雄市之12處編定工業區為研究對象,經由文獻回顧了解經濟恢復力之概念以及影響經濟恢復力之因素,再以量化方法分析不同背景之編定工業區在面對不同衝擊時之恢復力表現,以及影響恢復力表現之因素。研究發現在三大面向中,產業結構偏向專業多樣化之工業區、知識與創新有穩定的研發投入皆有助於編定工業區回應衝擊,而規劃與治理中完善的基礎設施為恢復力的基本條件。


The financial crisis of 2008 caused a serious recessionary shock in various regions in Taiwan. Scholars have widely discussed the concept of economic resilience with industrial globalization and the promotion of knowledge technology. Industrial parks in Taiwan, which have been developed in Taiwan for about 50 years, occupy the important industrial development land owned by the government, and create considerable economic scale. However, the development of the industrial parks also faces the difficulties of readjustment and industrial transformation when the internal demand and external environment change. Therefore, the resilience of the industrial parks needs to be examined under different shocks. This study explores the resilience of industrial parks, taking 12 industrial parks in Tainan and Kaohsiung as research objects. First, the concept of economic resilience and the factors that affect resilience are investigated through literature review. The resilience performance of different industrial parks in response to different shocks is then analyzed using the quantitative method. The industrial parks can be divided into four types by resilience ability.


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