  • 期刊


The Effect of Interactions among Job Involvement, Ability of Regulating Other's Emotion, and Emotional Labor on Emotional Exhaustion




The purpose of this study was to test the interaction effect of emotional labor, job involvement, and ability of regulating other s emotion on emotional exhaustion. In the study, emotion labor included expression of positive emotion and suppression of negative emotion. The results demonstrated that the interaction between job involvement and suppression of negative emotion significantly predicted emotional exhaustion. When job involvement was high, suppression of negative emotion did not predict emotional exhaustion; when job involvement was low, suppression of negative emotion predicted emotional exhaustion positively. However, the interaction between job involvement and expression of positive emotion did not predict emotional exhaustion. Therefore, the interaction effect between job involvement and suppression of negative emotion was stronger than the interaction between job involvement and expression of positive emotion. Besides, the interaction between ability of regulating other s emotion and suppression of negative emotion significantly predicted emotional exhaustion. When ability of regulating other s emotion was high, suppression of negative emotion did not predict emotional exhaustion; when ability of regulating other s emotion was low, suppression of negative emotion predicted emotional exhaustion positively. However, the interaction between ability of regulating other s emotion and expression of positive emotion did not predict emotional exhaustion. Therefore, the interaction between the ability of regulating other s emotion and suppression of negative emotion was stronger than the interaction between the ability of regulating other s emotion and expression of positive emotion. The implications, limitations, contributions, and applications of this study are discussed.


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蘇瑩琪(2017)。顧客不文明行為對情緒耗竭之影響:探討知覺主管支持 之調節角色〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00891
