  • 期刊


Creativity in Design Thinking: Inspiring Sense-making and Thing-making




Design thinking is a creative method to wicked problem solution. However, the existing operational models lack of identifying mechanisms for creativity. An inspiration model was proposed in the study to illustrate the complexity integration of the divergence and convergence in problem exploration and solution development. The inspiration of problem exploration is sense making; the inspiration of solution development is thing-making. The "evoke-transcendence- action" mechanism of the inspiration model was adopted to describe the creative operation of sense-making and thing-making in design thinking. In the sense making of problem exploration, a design researcher comprehensively empathizes with the experience of a user. Through the systematic analysis of the content, history and context of the experience, the designer and the user may understand each other (evoke), and the story is presented through the narrative analysis. An understanding of the user's experience then leads to the insight of needs (transcendence), forming a specific definition of the problem (action). In the thing-making of solution development, through the interdisciplinary brainstorming (evoke), the promotion of growth mindset and polycultural attitudes in integrated research would liberate intellectual centrism and form a prototype of the aggregate multiple perspectives (transcendence), and further test (action) should be conducted for obtaining feedback and correction. In the study, mutual inspiration of knowledge co-creation was further proposed, stating how design research create progress with knowledge and forming the collective creativity of co-design. Finally, how psychology contributes to the development of design thinking was discussed.


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