  • 期刊

Motivation of Taiwan Park and Recreation Professionals



公園及遊憩事業之品質,除受自然資源之限制外,亦與該事業工作者之投入參與及服務態度有關;而從業者之參與意願及服務態度當源自於其工作動機。本篇調查報告希望引發公園及遊憩事業工作者及管理者對本身工作動機之省思;並提供管理單位對工作者之瞭解,以期賦予遊憩事業工作更多的工作成長與肯定,藉以提高工作效率及服務品質。 有關本調查之資料蒐集,乃於1989年暑假期間,由四位北美遊憩觀光暨休閒文化學者造訪台灣,針對政府及私人遊憩事業進行調查之說明研討會;共計舉行11場會議,取樣183份問卷調,查含五個私人企業及中央、省、地方三層級政府機構之樣本資料。調查問卷採用一種資訊化之排卡技術,內容以Frederic Herzberg的動機/保健分類爲分析因子,彙整出台灣地區公園及遊憩從業人員之工作動機趨向,並對照太平洋岸幾個其他國家的情形。調查結果顯示,台灣遊憩事業領導者之前三項工作動機因子(爲獲得工作成長,因爲遊憩事業是份重要、有趣、有品味之工作,爲了成就個人的工作目標),與其他先進國家略同。因此,期望台灣的公園及遊憩事業可與活力十足的經濟共同成長。 本調查接受太平洋文化基金會及交通部觀光局之部分經費補助,特此致謝。


A research team of four North American parks, recreation, leisure/tourism and cultural services specialists visited the Republic of China in the late summer of 1989 to both put on workshops and collect information related to the motivation of leisure services employees in both government and private enterprises. A total of eleven different meetings took place in two weeks with one hundred and eighty-three (183) subjects surveyed. This article reports the findings from this nation-wide sample. The instrument introduced the Q-Sort technique of ranking information which proved both entertaining and informative. The findings from five private agencies and three different governmental groups provided ample opportunity to both report on Taiwanees trends and also compare rankings with other countries, predominantly Pacific Rim countries. Using the Frederic Herzberg typology of motivators and hygiene factors, Taiwan leisure leaders selected the top three to be motivators, closely aligned with the priorities of other nations. While there were several subtle differences, the marked parallels with other progressive nations in the leisure leadership, bids well for the Republic of China in the leisure and tourism area and this Era of dynamic economic growth. Specific findings and recommendations are provided employees and their administrators toward the goal of improved job enrichment with the resultant job enhancement and hoped for increased productivity/efficiency. An expression of appreciation is extended to the Pacific Cultural Foundation and the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications for partially funding the research project upon which this article is based.


