  • 期刊


Examining of the Relationship between Citizen Participation and Willingness to Pay for the Ecotourism Program Design for the Black-Faced Spoonbill Protected Area in Taiwan


本研究依據生態旅遊之意涵設計一個人與烏和諧共處的黑面琵鷺保護區規劃方案,調查台南縣市居住於台南縣七股鄉、將軍鄉、佳里鎮、西港鄉及台南市安南區之「區域內」居民,與台南縣市這些鄉鎮區之外的「區域外」居民,對此規劃方案之意向及參與保護區規劃管理之意願和參與程度。進而,本研究採用近似理想誘導支付條件評估模式,以此評估居民對保護區經營管理意向與其願意支付金額之關係。 結果顯示,對設立保護區的重要性評價爲「高」者之WTP顯著大於回答「中」或「低」者之WTP;對規劃方案整體評價回答「滿意」者之WTP顯著大於回答「普通」與「不滿意」者之WTP;對願意參與保護區規劃管理的程度回答爲「參加由當地居民組成之保護區諮詢委員會」者之WTP顯著大於回答「不參與」者之WTP。而在各種滿意規劃方案的原因當中,以回答滿意「規劃方案可以加強生態保育功能」者之WTP最高。最後,不論區域內或是區域外居民,願意參與保護區規劃管理的程度愈高者,其願意支付金額有愈高之趨勢。


The purpose of this paper is to realize the attitude of different groups of citizens, and to examine the relationship between citizen participation and willingness to pay for the ecotourism program designed for the Black-Faced Spoonbill Protected Area in Taiwan. The idea of the program focuses on the interaction between resource conservation and human activities. In order to evaluate the willingness to pay for the designed program, the almost ideal elicitation contingent valuation method was employed to examine the difference between the inner and outer circle of the citizens for the relationship stated above. The results show that a higher willingness to pay is revealed for those who think the Protected Area is important. Those who think that the program is able to conserve ecological resources for the site present a higher willingness to pay accordingly. For those who have a strong tendency to participate in the management for the Protected Area, thereafter a higher willingness to pay is exhibited.


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