  • 期刊


A Case Study of Tourist Willingness to Pay for Guidance Services: The Fushan Botanical Garden


以觀光收入維持自然保育區經營雖有一些成功案例,但大部分均與預期結果差異甚大,而能否有良好解說服務以滿足遊客需求扮演重要的角色,因其除了對遊客行爲產生正面影響外,亦可使遊客容易學習與滿足,故解說與行銷在生態旅遊的供需上扮演著仲介者的角色。 福山植物園係東南亞規模最大的植物園,具有保育及教育功能,採用不收費但限制地區及人數方式供民眾參觀,以防止環境受到破壞,但破壞事件仍時有所聞,是否可設計付費制度,聘用專職解說員,使遊客能深入了解並保護自然,值得進一步探討。 本研究針對福山植物園遊客進行問卷調查,探討其生態旅遊行爲、態度、動機及收取解說費用做爲生態教學經費、解說員薪資及生態保育經費之願付價格。由408份問卷之分析結果,可依遊客行爲特性分爲積極勸導、自我規範和消極解說3個集群,其中以自我規範集群之願付價格最高,消極解說集群最低,至於未來收取費用建議爲100元。


Although there are some successes to adding to natural preserved areas some tourism income, the outcomes of most cases deviate from expectation. Success depends, largely, upon proper guidance services, at the site. These services influence tourists positively, providing them with the opportunity to learn, and with satisfaction. Guidance and marketing are very important to both the supply and demand in ecotourism. The Fushan Botanical Garden, in the Fushan Research Center of the Taiwan Forest Institute, provides both preservation and education (as the largest botanical garden in south-eastern Asia.) In order to prevent over-usage and environmental damage, the strategies of free-fare and limits on numbers of visitors were adopted. Nevertheless, because of the violations of regulation, it may be necessary to provide obligatory guidance services, in order to keep visitors from damaging the Garden's environment and to maintain the Garden's normal ecological functions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the behaviors, attitudes, intentions of the Garden's visitors, as well as study their willingness to pay for guidance services. A total of 408 questionnaires were collected and divided into three groups-differentiated according to three different, general motivations for the visiting tourist. The tourists in these categories showed a willingness to pay differing levels for the service. As a result, the suggested price of the guidance service would be NT $100.


莊政諺(2015)。遊客對墾丁國家公園社頂部落生態旅遊願付價格 與環境態度之研究〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2015.00213
