  • 期刊


A Comparative Study on the Satisfaction of Nurse Aides for 2 Years in a Medical Center Hospital


本研究目的在比較南台灣某醫學中心照顧服務員人力外包以後,被照顧者於94年與95年之滿意度調查。研究工具為研究者自擬的結構式問卷,採Likert五分法計分,效度採內容及專家效度,以內外科住院患者或家屬為研究對象,94年與95年各回收有效問卷74份(95%)及50份(89.3%)。研究資料以Excel軟體建檔,並以SPSS軟體統計進行百分率、最大值、最小值、平均值、及Chi-Square Tests等統計分析。研究結果顯示:94年結果顯示,19題結構性問題的各項平均得分4.1分(滿意4分),滿意度得分最低前三項:儀容端莊得體(27%)、服務主動且完整及上班偷懶打瞌睡(各23%)、服務口氣溫柔尊重病人及與病人或其親友保持良好溝通(21.6%)。95年結果顯示,平均得分4.22分,滿意度得分最低前三項:上班偷懶打瞌睡(24%)、服務主動且完整(22%)、協助病人做床上運動及不擅離職守會交待行蹤(18%)。本研究對護理工作之貢獻是:1.瞭解住院患者對照顧服務員人力外包滿意度兩年比較;2.發現住院患者及家屬對照顧服務員之需求,提供醫院管理部門參考;3.擬定相關行政管理策略,以達成勞資雙贏之局面;4.經由提昇照顧服務員人力外包之服務品質,進而達到創造出滿意的外部顧客。


The purpose of this study was to understand the Satisfaction of Outsourcing Nurse Aides for 2 Years in a teaching hospital in the southern Taiwan. A 5 Liker scale-structure questionnaire was developed by content validity and internal consistency reliability. A total subject were attended in this study was 74(95%) and 50(89.3%) in 2005 and 2006 years. The data were analyzed, using descriptive statistics. The results of this study were as follows: The average score were 4.1 and 4.22 in 2005 and 2006. The three lowest score subjects were not in good performance (27%); inactive and sleep on duty (23%); impolite and poor communication (21.6%) in 2005.And the three lowest score subjects were sleeping on duty(24%); being inactive (22%); helping patient range of movement on the bed and telling where to go in 2006(18%). The result of this study can provide: 1. understand the Satisfaction of Outsourcing Nurse Aides for 2 Years; 2. refference to the need of inpatients for hospital management; 3. accomplishing win-win situation for labor and manager by using related strategic planning; 4. promoting satisfied customers by making them satisfied first.


張月霞(2012)。醫院照顧服務人員對洗手之認知、態度與行為之探討 ─以某區域醫院為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2012.00004
