  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Applying Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment to an Elderly Patient With Recurrent Pneumonia




This article describes the nursing experience of a 96-year-old individual with repeated pneumonia infections and loss in self-care ability. The nursing period was from June 7 to 20, 2017. Patient information was collected through physical assessments, observations, and an interview; subsequently, the functional health patterns of the comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) were applied to assess the patient thoroughly. The following health problems were identified: impaired self-care ability, hopelessness, and risks of aspiration of pneumonia and multiple chronic diseases. This paper illustrates the importance of utilizing CGA for early intervention and for discovering the current and existing health problems of elderly patients. Practical training courses should be strengthened to promote CGA to all care units without limitation to the wards caring for elderly patients.


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