  • 期刊


Evaluation of Confidence and Nursing Skills of New Nurses by Using the Objective Structured Clinical Examination Taking Chest Drainage Care as an Example




The conventional training pipeline for new nurses is based on clinical teachers' teaching methods and involves less practice in clinical settings, resulting in the lack of practical skills among new nurses. This study evaluated the nursing skills and confidence of new nurses after undergoing the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). This retrospective study included 224 new nurses from a medical center in the central part of Taiwan. The nurses were trained by clinical nursing teachers in thoracic drainage nursing and were provided a self-study teaching video of "Clinical Nursing Care of Surgical Drainage Tube" before undergoing OSCE. Their skills and confidence were evaluated using the "Chest Drainage Care Confidence Index" (CDCCI) and the "Chest Drainage Care OSCE Scale."The CDCCI was used before and after the nurses underwent OSCE. The results demonstrated that the total score of chest drainage nursing skills of new nurses in surgical units was slightly higher than those of new nurses in medical, special, acute care, and critical care units, especially the scores of "preparation before chest tube drainage" and "washing hands" (p< .05). A significant difference was also observed in the scores of "operation" (p< .05). Statistical differences were observed in the confidence index of new nurses performing chest drainage in different departments. Therefore, in addition to being trained by clinical teachers and training using self-learning technical operation videos, the skills and confidence of new nurses should be evaluated using OSCE before they practice their skills in clinical settings. This may improve nurses' performance and quality of care.


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