  • 期刊


Perioperative Nursing Experience of a Tongue Cancer Patient




舌癌 老年患者


This article is to present the nursing experience of a tongue cancer patient. The nursing care period ranged from February 24 to March 6,2003. The nurse used the Functional Health Patterns, and discovered the patient's main health questions included: anxiety, acute pain, oral cavity mucous membrane change, and body image change. In the process, the patient's body image and psychological disturbance were correlated with the prognosis. The patient feared in his own situation to become a burden to family members and may try to conceal real emotion. The nurse showed loving care and listened attentively to the patient to establish good relations with him. Goals included enabling to enable the patient to learn the good skills for selfcare, truly to carry out good oral hygiene to prevent infection in the wound and to help increase patient's post-surgery confidence and positive thinking. Because the patient was old and his memory not good, the nurse payed great attention and encouraged the patient's family participation and also learning how to care for the patient. By sharing this experience, nurses can use the article as a resource and gain insight into caring for similar patients in the future.


tongue cancer elderly patient
