  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


The Design and Application of a Medical Student Portfolio for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of Basic Clinical Skills





The ideal way for medical students to learn basic clinical skills is to have teaching, learning and assessment conducted in an authentic situation. In reality, however, this is usually impossible owing to various subjective and objective factors. Therefore, the outcome of teaching is usually compromised. A portfolio can be an effective tool to facilitate and monitor the learner during the process of teaching, learning and assessment in an authentic context. This study involved the development of a teaching, learning and assessment model, which used medical student portfolios during the acquisition of basic clinical skills. This research was an action research, the study objects were senior medical students on family medicine clinical rotation. Teacher and students worked together on the recording chart and the study model designed by the teacher in advance. Necessary changes were made and their applicability was assessed by a semi-structured questionnaire. The created portfolio study model involves a format which combines instruction, discussion and multimedia learning methods. Students were motivated to conduct active learning including self-evaluation and were able to use the portfolio as a means of learning basic clinical skills. The four-step clinical skill teaching includes lecturing, videotape teaching, supervised practice and independent practice. Five recording charts and four kinds of content evaluation criteria were developed to facilitate the portfolio construction. The student portfolio includes record charts and videotapes. The research results indicate that the use of the portfolio approach in teaching, learning and for the assessment of basic clinical skills is able to motivate medical students to conduct active learning, to record the learning process and it results in an improvement in their skills. Thus, it fulfills the purpose of authentic learning. A further study is underway to develop the performance criteria for each of the basic clinical skills and to establish the validity and reliability of this study model. (Full text in Chinese)


