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Innovative Health Professionals in a Current Global Context




Teachers of health professionals world-wide face increasingly complex challenges. Perhaps greatest is the relentless growth in knowledge. Often with limited resources, teachers struggle to evaluate the accuracy and relevance of novel, complex information. They must determine its applicability to their own communities and ensure that graduates have an appropriate balance of knowledge, skills and professional behaviours. Graduates need relevant, modern, integrated scientific and clinical knowledge. Teachers need educational skills to ensure that students gain and apply knowledge, using it to solve problems. In addition, graduates from their institution must understand their local context, communicate effectively with patients or clients, practise ethically, use evidence for decision-making, and maintain ongoing professional learning. Increasingly, information is available on the Internet, but locating and evaluating quality is difficult for busy staff. Even when validated educational resources are available, teachers must ensure their local relevance, level of complexity, ease of use and acceptability. Curricula must be locally relevant, based on evidence of best educational practice. In consultation with health professionals and the community, teachers must define essential graduate goals or outcomes, and ensure that they are achieved by using valid, appropriate educational methods for curriculum design, delivery, assessment and evaluation.


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