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The Effectiveness of Mixed Reality Design Applied in a General Education Course of University Suicide Gatekeeper Training


Objective: To understand the feedback of college students on the application of mixed reality (MR) to the suicide prevention gatekeeper course. Methods: The course was an elective course with 16-week discussion courses (N = 95). The study analyzed the MR experience feedback of students in the general course of mental health promotion and suicide prevention in the second half semester in 2021 of a university in Northern Taiwan. A structured questionnaire survey with one short open question was filled in by students anonymously. Results: A total of 62 students completing the surveyed questions were recruited for the study. The response rate was 65.3%. Seventy-four percent of the participants agreed or strongly agreed with the question "MR experiential learning can inspire suicide prevention awareness and motivation". The response of "agreed/ strongly agreed" for another two questions were "MR experience design is creative" 88.7%, and "Make course learning more interesting" 90.3%. Around 74% of the participants in the MR experience course could connect and apply the knowledge learned in the classroom. The survey result of "MR experience can improve the harvest of the course" showed 71% agreement. The overall recommendation for the MR learning was above 70%, and the overall learning satisfaction score was 7.16 (standard deviation 1.61). Conclusions: The results indicated that the application of MR technology had positive effects for college students to learn suicide gatekeeper training courses. Further studies are needed to examine the effects of social promotion for different age groups and the lone-term effects of the training involving MR.


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