  • 期刊


Exploring the Profiles of Organizational Embeddedness and Their Differential Effects on Task Performance, Work Attitudes and Behaviors


本研究擬探討組織鑲嵌(organizational embeddedness)的三種驅力:「契合」、「犧牲」與「連結」,是否會形成不同的鑲嵌形態,並進一步檢視對員工任務績效、正負向工作態度與行為的差異化影響。本研究以兩個時間點的研究設計,共計收集319份主管與部屬配對問卷。依據集群分析結果顯示,共可區分為五種組織鑲嵌形態,分別為:鑲嵌型敬業留任者、敬業型留任者、偷懶或受困型的留任者、過渡型留任者、積極離職者。其中:(1) 鑲嵌型敬業留任者(三種驅力皆高)展現較高的任務績效、組織公民行為與情感性組織承諾;(2)積極離職者(三種驅力皆低),其離職傾向最高、情感性承諾最低;(3)偷懶或受困型的留任者,展現出次高程度的離職傾向,及次低的情感性組織承諾。


Organizational embeddedness (OE) refers to internal force that affects employee retention, performance, work attitudes and behaviors. This study explores how the combination of the three dimensions of OE (fit, links, and sacrifice) forms embeddedness profiles, and examines the different embeddedness profiles differentially influence employee positive and negative work attitudes and behaviors. The sample was composed of 319 supervisor-subordinate pairs from various industries. Five embedded profiles were found based on the cluster analysis. The result showed that different profiles have differential effects on organizational citizenship behavior, task performance, turnover intention, and affective commitment. Overall, employees of the "embedded engaged stayers" show highest levels of task performance, citizenship behaviors, and affective commitment. In addition, employees of the "enthusiastic leavers" show highest levels of turnover intentions and lowest affective commitment. Finally, employees of the "slackers or trapped stayers" also express high turnover intentions and low commitment than others.


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