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Discussion on Accident Analysis and Human Evacuation Characteristic in Bus Fire




The egress design and evacuation measures of the bus have a great relationship with the fire condition. In order to understand the issue of bus fire safety, this paper summarizes the specific scenarios of the bus fire through the incident statistics and case study, discussing possible factors that are not conducive to evacuation. The summarizations reveal that the proportion of bus accidents and casualties is not high, but when a bus accident occurs with a fire, it is possible that the number of available exports decrease, and resulting in serious casualties. In the specific scenario that a bus encounter the fire accident in tunnel, because of the smoke diffusion in the tunnel, regardless of whether the bus itself is on fire or not, passengers are threaten by the hazard from smoke. According to the analysis of the bus fire scenarios, the present study also proposes the recommendations of the evacuation principle.


Bus fire Evacuation Tunnel Bus exit


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