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The Disaster Management and Practice in Outstanding Schools: The Case Study of Elementary Schools in New Taipei City




According to the "Disaster Prevention Education" and "School Disaster Prevention and Climate Change Adaptation Education Promoting Programs" which was planned by Ministry of Education, the number of elementary schools in Taiwan which have already established facilities to prevent from natural disasters, should be 80% of total elementary schools. However, until 2017, only 809 elementary schools that were 30% of total elementary schools have established facilities to prevent from natural disasters. Elementary schools should always be well prepared to prevent from natural disasters in order to make sure everyone is safe when disasters happened. In addition, when disasters happened, many elementary schools' campus was designated to be temporary shelters for victims. Ministry of Education propose the execution key point of elementary schools that are developing facilities to prevent from natural disasters. This study would like to summarize the successful experience of the "Disaster Prevention School for the Basic Practice" out of outstanding School Disaster Prevention Plan competition and for the reference of elementary schools that have not established School Disaster Prevention Plan. The objects and interviewee of this study that conduct the semi-structured interview was principals, responsible staff and teachers of these schools that have established outstanding School Disaster Prevention Plan. Aim to realize the advantages of the outstanding School Disaster Prevention Plan, and propose the advantages to elementary schools that include three parts "experiences," "dilemma," and "prospect."


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