  • 期刊

Image and History: A Taiwanese Village under the Japanese Rule



本研究主要研究台南縣左鎮陳春木先生(1909-2002)蒐藏的日本時代的歷史照片。在日本時代,左鎮鄉下人幾乎沒有友擁有相機,所有的照片都是庄役場等公家單位請遠方的攝影師前來拍攝,陳春木先生在庄役場任職,因此他有機會蒐藏這些照片。當時攝影器才十分笨重,拍照非常昂貴,因此庄役場等單位所拍攝的並沒有日常生活照片,所有照片都以宣揚政績為主,而且經常與新聞記者配合,照片配合文字刊登在報上。 這樣的歷史照片雖然不夠全面,但也反應了部分的歷史,因為要不是有這些照片,我們對當時的歷史的了解只會更少。本文的目的在於以這些歷史照片所反應出來的歷史參與歷史人類學的討論,包括Marshall Sahlins的結構論與Ohnuki-Tierney的象徵論。本文認為Marshall Sahlins的主要貢獻在於把文化帶進歷史研究,然而從本文的證據看來,歷史不完全如同Sahlins所說的由事件所構成。本文認為歷史是一綿延不斷的過程,只有透過歷史脈絡的分析,我們才能暸解歷史。其次,筆者也不同意Sahlins把歷史建夠在英雄人物之上的論述方式,似乎只有歷史人物才製造歷史。本文的資料顯示,除了當地的公家機關之外,包括報紙、電台、當地沒有聲音的百姓都參與了歷史過程。


歷史人類學 台南 日本時代 結構 事件


This study deals with the historical photographs during Taiwan's ”Japanese Era” (1895-1945) collected by the late Mr. Chen Chunmu陳春木(1909-2002) of Zuozhen左鎮, Tainan. In the ”Japanese Era,” few, if any, country folks in Tainan had cameras. Thus those photos were taken by studio-photographers hired by the Japanese rulers from afar. Since it was a big hassle and also costly to take these pictures, all the ones we are looking at were for glorifying the achievements by the Japanese colonists and none was about the daily life of the folks or about the adverse side of the administration. Mr. Chen Chunmu, with his long-term services at the local administration, had the opportunities to collect these photos. This paper discusses a recent development in historical anthropology, and focuses on Marshall Sahlins and Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney. I think it was an admirable innovative idea on Sahlins' part to have brought structure into historical studies. However, I do not think that history was simply composed of events. History is a dynamic process, should also include process and context. Thus I think that Sahlins overemphasizes the importance of structure and events meanwhile ignoring the process and context of history. Furthermore, I think the significance of historical agency should be emphasized. In historical process, historical agency includes not only historical figures, but also common people, mass media (newspaper, radios, etc), and social institutions (schools, governmental agencies, etc.), for they all play different parts in historical process.


Historical anthropology Tainan Japanese era structure Events


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