  • 期刊

薹潛蠅繭蜂(Opius caricivorae)(膜翅目:小繭蜂科)之形態與生活史

Morphology and Life History of Opius caricivorae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)


薹潛蠅繭蜂(Opius caricivorae Fischer)行單產雄性孤雌生殖、單員幼蟲至蛹內寄生。交尾與否對雌蜂生育力無影響。雄蜂一生有多次交尾(8-17次),雌蜂多數只交尾1次,僅4.5%交尾2-4次。交尾前期為1.1小時。該蜂有取食寄主現象,卻不致死寄主。羽化盛期為上午5點至8點,產卵盛期為上午5點至9點。該蜂發育不受寄主齡期影響。在25℃下,卵至蛹期發育所需時間為14.9-15.0日,其中卵期為2.2日,幼蟲期為5.0-5.1日,前蛹期為1.6-1.8日,蛹期為5.9-6.1日。卵發育至蛹期之存活率為86.5-91.6%。每日供應40-50隻第三齡蔬菜斑潛蠅(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)幼蟲時,雌、雄蜂壽命各為21.9日與22.8日,每雌蜂可產277隻子蜂,子代雌性比為0.62。雌蜂產卵數、過寄生率及對寄主之利用率均顯著受寄主蔬菜斑潛蠅密度影響。寄主密度為1、2及5隻時,雌蜂產卵數少(4.4-7.6粒),過寄生率高(66.5-87.5%);寄主密度為20、30及40隻時,雌蜂產卵數多(19.1-24.0粒),過寄生率低(0.9-5.5%)。寄主密度為1、2、5、10及20隻時,雌蜂對寄主之利用率高達80.0-100%,但寄主密度為30隻與40隻時,雌蜂對寄主之利用率各達62.9%與59.4%。


The wasp Opius caricivorae Fischer is an arrhenotokous, solitary endoparasitoid of the leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard. The fertility of the female wasp is not affected by mating experience. Males mated many times (8-17 times) in a lifetime, but most females mated only once (4.5% mated 2-4 times). The premating period was 1.1 h. Female wasps fed on leafminers without killing them. The peak of emergence of wasps was between 0500 and 0800 h while the peak of oviposition was between 0500 and 0900 h. The development of wasps was not affected by the host instar. At 25°C, averaged duration for egg, larval, prepupal, pupal, and egg to pupal stage was 2.2, 5.0-5.1, 1.6-1.8, 5.9-6.1 and 14.9-15.0 days, respectively. Averaged survival from egg to pupal stage was 86.5-91.6%. When wasps were provided with 40-50 3rd instar larvae of L. sativae daily, the longevity of female and male wasps averaged 21.9 and 22.8 days, respectively. The fertility for a female wasp was 277 progenies. The ratio of female progeny was 0.62. Numbers of eggs, percentage of superparasitism and host utilization rate of wasps varied with host density. At low host density (1, 2 and 5 leafminers), the number of eggs per female wasp was low (4.4-7.6 eggs) and the percentage of superparasitism was high (66.5-87.5%), but at high host density (20, 30 and 40 leafminers), the number of eggs per female wasp was high (19.1-24.0 eggs) and the percentage of superparasitism was low (0.9-5.5%). Host utilization rates by wasps were high (80.0-100%) at low host density (1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 leafminers), however host utilization rates by wasp were low (62.9 and 59.4%) at high host density (30 and 40 leafminers).
