  • 期刊


Different Type, Intensity and Duration of Physical Activity for Health Benefits


缺乏身體活動是非傳染性疾病4個主要危險因子之一,規律健身運動可以降低罹患非傳染性疾病與死亡率,本文目的以文獻回顧探討除了健身運動外之日常生活的身體活動方式與總量對身體健康之影響。經由Google以daily physical activity、mortality等關鍵詞,搜尋過去日常身體活動流行病學的研究,如坐姿、站立、爬樓梯、做家事、工作時身體活動、走路、身體活動總量與罹患疾病與死亡風險的研究報告,整理日常身體活動對罹患疾病或總死亡風險的影響。而減少坐姿時間、增加站立、走路、爬樓梯、做家事等身體活動,有益於身體健康。最佳的身體活動總量約為世界衛生組織的最低身體活動建議量的5 倍左右,亦為每週4 MET(metabolic equivalent of task,活動代謝當量)中強度中等強度身體活動750分鐘,或8 MET高強度的身體活動375分鐘。綜合探討後所得結語為:增加日常生活中站立、爬樓梯、做家事、走路等身體活動均有益身體健康,最佳的每週身體活動總量是中強度身體活動750分鐘,或高強度身體活動375分鐘,建議我國官方對民眾身體活動建議量應以此為基準。


Physical inactivity is one of 4 major risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCD). Regular exercises decrease risks in morbidity and mortality of NCDs. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the health effects of different types and amounts of daily physical activity. Utilizing keywords such as daily physical activity and mortality, study reports in the epidemiology, disease morbidity and mortality effects of various activity types (sitting, standing, stair climbing, domestic/household physical activity, and occupational physical activity) were identified and explored. The results indicate that reduced sitting time and increased standing time, walking, stair climbing, and domestic/household physical activity would benefit health. The optimal physical activity amount for health should be 5 times the minimal physical activity recommended by the World Health Organization, which is 750 minutes 4 MET (metabolic equivalent of task) (moderate) a week, or 375 minutes 8 MET (vigorous) a week. We conclude that these findings should be adopted in official health recommendations.


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