  • 期刊


The Essence and Developing Potential of Tourism Consciousness Resources




Tourism resources include natural resources, human resources, and consciousness resources. Among these, the abstract and intangible consciousness resources are a particularly important set of assets that increase the attractiveness of any destination and thus boost the development of the local tourism industry. Although many scholars have noted the existence and importance of consciousness resources, research on the subject is rare. This paper is based on the results of empirical research and explores the essence and implications of consciousness resources in tourism. The goals are to establish and clarify the existence, definition, types, allure and importance of consciousness resources to the tourism industry. A further goal is to provide a reference for future research. The conclusions of the literature are as follows: any tourism resources related to religion, ethnic groups, business groups, etc. all contain elements of consciousness resources. Intangible consciousness resources such as quality local characteristics and customs not only reflect the unique local spirit but also resonate with our shared humanity. This evokes a deeper emotional response that is the driving force compelling deeper exploration of the locale. This dynamic is the foundation of the development of any local tourism industry.


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