  • 期刊


The Research of Validity of the Leisure Exercise Constraints Inventory for Elementary School Teachers


本研究目的探討屏東縣國小教師休閒運動阻礙量表之信效度,採用問卷調查法進行研究,使用自編「屏東縣國小教師休閒運動阻礙因素調查問卷」做為研究工具,以屏東縣國小教師為研究對象,共發出500份問卷,有效問卷412份,將有效資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計。本研究目的透過嚴謹的統計分析,以驗證「國小教師參與休閒運動阻礙量表」。此量表有四個因素,構面分別為「機會阻礙」、「經驗阻礙」、「社會阻礙」、「個體阻礙」。以驗證性因素分析顯示觀察變項與潛在變項皆均具有良好的信度、收斂效度與區別效度。


The purpose of this research was to understand the Validity of the Leisure Exercise Constraints Inventory for elementary school teachers in Pingtung County. The using data for this study were collected by the questionnaires. The researcher composed a questionnaire "questionnaire for the current situation of leisure exercise participation and constraints of leisure exercise for elementary school teachers in Pingtung County" and used it as the research tool, selecting elementary school teachers in Pingtung County as subjects to do this study. Based on the surveyed-questionnaire method, there were 500 questionnaires issued, and 412 of them were valid. The analyzed methods included Descriptive Statistical by SPSS for Windows 12.0. The purpose of this study was to using statistic analytic procedures, a reliable and valid scale for measuring Validity of the Leisure Exercise Constraints Inventory for Elementary School Teachers. The scale of four factors: the "opportunity constraints" "experience constraints" "social constraints" "individual constraints". using confirmatory factor analysis procedure. The evaluation found that latent and observed variables have fine reliability, convergent validity, and discriminate validity.


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