  • 期刊


Effects of Music with Different Tempi on Cardiorespiratory Endurance and Heart rate variability of Junior High School Male Students


目的:探討不同節奏音樂介入對國中男生心肺耐力之影響及其心率變異度之變化。方法:本研究以21名國中男生為受試對象(年齡:14.00±0.63歲、身高:163.03±6.91公分、體重:52.00±8.99公斤),每位受試者進行三次1600公尺跑走,分別伴隨無音樂、慢節奏音樂及快節奏音樂,並紀錄完成時間及心率變異度。結果:三次伴隨不同節奏音樂之1600公尺跑走時間沒有顯著差異;1600公尺跑走伴隨慢節奏音樂時,相較於快節奏,常規化高頻功率比(normalized high frequency, nHF)明顯較高,常規化低頻功率比(normalized low frequency, nLF)明顯較低。結論:不同節奏音樂介入對國中男生心肺耐力測驗沒有影響;跑步時聆聽慢節奏音樂相較於快節奏音樂,副交感神經可能較為活躍,但需更多研究證實。


Purpose: This study investigated the effects of music with different tempi on cardiorespiratory endurance and heart rate variability (HRV) of junior high school male students. Method: Twenty-one junior high school male students are recruited (age: 14.00 ± 0.63 years, height: 163.03 ± 6.91 cm、weight: 52.00 ± 8.99 kg).Each subject completed three times of 1600m run/walk under no music, slow music and fast music conditions in a counterbalance order. Duration of exercise and heart rate variability indicator were recorded. Results: There were no significant differences of exercise duration between no music, slow music and fast music conditions. Normalized HF (nHF) with slow music was significantly greater than that with fast music. Normalized LF (nLF) with fast music was significantly greater than that with slow music. (p < .05). Conclusion: Parasympathetic activity may increase during 1600m run/walk with slow music relative to fast music, but the effects of music on autonomic nervous system during exercise need more studies.


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