  • 期刊


Factors Associated with the Quality of Life Among People with Facial Disfigurement: Evidence from the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation




Purpose: The face has important meanings for people. Facial disfigurement may have comprehensive impacts on people both physically and psychologically, as well as in social relations, thereby influencing the overall quality of life. Nevertheless, systematic research related to the quality of life among people with facial disfigurement is still extremely limited in Taiwan. The individual/ medical model and social model in disability studies were applied to explain the level of quality of life among people with facial disfigurement in this study. Methods: This study conducted a representative population-based survey in 2015 through face-to-face interviews involving 304 people with facial disfigurement. The interviewees were randomly sampled from the service users of the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation. The concept of quality of life was measured by the WHOQOL-BREF (Taiwanese version), and factors associated with quality of life were divided into three groups: demographic backgrounds, facial impairment factors, and social environment factors. Descriptive statistics, ordinal logistic regression and multiple regression analyses were employed to present the features and factors associated with quality of life. Results: Compared to the findings drawn from the general population in Taiwan and people with facial disfigurement in the U.K. and Turkey administered with the same questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF), the level of quality of life among our respondents was relatively lower. Regarding factors associated with their quality of life, the type and degree of facial disfigurement was significantly related to the physical domain; the variables of social support and social participation were significantly related to the four domains of quality of life. However, demographic variables were less significantly related to the quality of life as determined in the present study. Conclusions: The results of this study were found to be similar to those in the related literature; social support and social participation were constructive factors leading to the improvement of quality of life among people with facial disfigurement. The results of this study could be useful for researchers and service providers.


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