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Factors associated with social work students' attitude toward poverty: social work education, ideology, and poverty attribution




A core tenet of social work education is to cultivate students' professional identity and ability to show concern for disadvantaged people. However, in the past, little research has focused on exploring the relationships between social work education and student attitudes toward the disadvantaged people in Taiwan. To be exact, based on the attribution theory model proposed by Zucker & Weiner (1993), this study tested path relationships among social work education, welfare ideology, poverty attribution, and attitudes toward poverty. Four hundred and twenty-four social work students from 16 different universities across Taiwan were recruited through a stratified random cluster sampling design. They were invited to give responses to a structured questionnaire. As expected, social work students who had higher learning competency on poverty issues, leaned toward left-wing ideology, had higher approval of structural poverty attribution, and had higher opposition to personal and cultural attributions were positively related to attitudes toward poverty. In path analysis, the attribution model which posits that students' poverty attribution has a mediating effect on the relationship between students' welfare ideology and their attitudes toward poverty was also confirmed. The results in this study indicate that students' learning competency on poverty issues plays an important role in cultivating students to be reflective and thoughtful in their poverty attribution and welfare ideology toward poor people. The competency was then indirectly was transformed to enhance their poverty attribution toward more structural explanations, eventually favorably changing their attitudes toward poverty. The implications about social work education to promote social work students' learning competency on poverty issues is included in this paper.


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