  • 期刊


The Voice of Tribal Peoples in Indigenous Social Work: Imagination of a Decolonized Perspective




Indigenous knowledge and skills are excluded and marginalized in the field of mainstream social work because of the emphasis on Eurocentric philosophical paradigms, with social work becoming a colonial cultural field and profession, creating problems for Indigenous peoples. Based on a decolonized research agenda, this research employed in-depth interviews to collect data from 14 tribal peoples and to understand their expectations of Indigenous social work. The findings suggested that the interviewees expected: (1) to change colonial activities by integrating Indigenous epistemologies and knowledge of colonial histories into social work practice, and to gain control by promoting self-determination and developing tribal welfare and economics; (2) social workers with blood relationships and geographical ties are to have bicultural trainings, while non-Indigenous helpers should be able to recognize and respect Indigenous cultures. The findings reminded us that ensuring human rights, placing culture at the heart of social work activities, and training social workers as agents of decolonization are of paramount importance towards the goal of decolonized Indigenous social work. The article ends with recommendations for the Indigenous social work profession.


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