  • 期刊


The Relationship between Violent Environment and Adolescent Violent Behaviors


暴力行為因多已構成犯罪問題,再加上少年犯罪事件的暴戾性日趨嚴重,暴力少年犯常被社會大眾視為應受懲罰的加害者,而國內相關的研究主題也多由犯罪學的角度切入,視這群少年為犯法、亟需接受矯治之人。在如此意識型態主導的前提下,社會工作界對這群少年之探究便相對較少。然而國外已有研究發現:許多施暴少年其實也是暴力的受害者,因為與他們互動最密切的環境(如家庭、校園與大眾傳播媒體)正充斥著相當程度的暴力,但我們卻往往忽略了環境因素,無形中讓這些少年成為成人暴力世界的代罪羔羊。據此,本文乃一反過去犯罪學的理論觀點,而改以社會學習理論為基礎,試圖探討暴力環境與少年暴力行為的相關性。 本研究採自填式團體問卷調查來蒐集研究資料,樣本的取得則採立意抽樣,自桃園(n=513)、彰化(n=463,其中154名為少女)、和高雄(n=301)三所少年輔育院內的所有少年進行調查,共得樣本數為1,277名,經刪除年齡不符(13歲以下及18歲以上)及資料不全者後,共得有效問卷計747份。所得資料主要以多元線性迴歸法(Multiple regression)來分析。本研究結果顯示:暴力環境(家庭、校園及媒體)對台灣少年暴力行為的確產生相當程度的影響,而其中又以目睹同學問的暴力行為所產生的影響最大。本研究結果支持暴力少年是暴力環境受害者的論述,最後並據此結果提出可改善之相關建議,以供實務界人士及未來相關研究參考。


As crimes committed by adolescents are more and more violent these days, the public generally perceived them as those who deserve punishment instead of help. This is especially true in Taiwan where most studies examining adolescent violence were done from the criminological perspective, while related research done by the social work professional is relatively few. However, it is found that many violent adolescents are consistently exposed to violent environments, including violence in families, schools, and the mass media, though we usually do not pay much attention to the environmental factors, while allow these adolescents to be the scapegoats of adults' fault. Moving beyond a crime-focused perspective, this study is designed to base on the social learning theory and related literature. It attempts to provide a better understanding of environmental factors associated with youth violence in Taiwan. In this research, data were collected by means of questionnaires administered in a group setting. The original sample is comprised of 1,277 youths from the juvenile justice system in Taiwan, after deleting those who were not eligible in age and did not provide complete information, it ended up with the effective sample size of 747. The multiple regression was used to test hypotheses. Findings of this research indicate that violent environment plays a very important role in influencing adolescents' violent behaviors, while witnessing campus violence among students is a relatively important factor associated with youth violence. The results of this study can offer a different perspective toward youth violence, and furthermore, to provide guidelines for the development of interventions that work for our youth. Implications for future research are also discussed.


