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The Implementation of a Place-Based Environmental Education Course at an Indigenous Elementary School in Eastern Taiwan


本研究探討一個臺灣東部原住民小學的地方本位環境教育課程,於教學歷程中有哪些關鍵性的因素,能引發學生的地方依附與意義、提升環境責任感,並促進對在地環境的關懷與行動。本課程結合地方教育與環境行動的理念,並整合地方體驗與議題探索、藝術媒介、批判對話、及社區支持網絡等教學策略。本研究的對象為一所東部原住民小學的12位6年級學生,研究方法採取質性研究取徑,透過研究者課堂參與觀察及省思札記、教師討論紀錄、學生訪談、學生的學習單與繪圖作品等多元資料的蒐集,並採用Argyris, Putnam與Smith (1985/夏林清譯,2000)所提推論階梯的概念(the ladder of inference)來分析資料,以瞭解學生在學習過程中情意與行動的改變。研究結果顯示,本課程能提升學生對地方環境的覺知與敏感度、引發學生對地方情感的涉入與認同、發展地方意義與價值、並能有效地提升學生的能力感(empowerment),進而產生環境行動。最後,根據本研究結果,對於未來地方本位環境教育課程的發展與教學策略提出建議。


This study investigated what the major causes were for promoting students' place attachment, place meaning, environmental responsibility, and environmental action for the community in the implementation of a place-based environmental education course at an indigenous elementary school in eastern Taiwan. The environmental education course integrated the idea of place-based education with environmental action through the teaching strategies such as place-based experiential activities, issue investigation, art media, critical discussions, and community-supported network. The subjects of the study were twelve 6th graders. The research design of the study adopted qualitative approach. To assess the effect of learning process on students' affective domain and environmental action, qualitative data were collected through participant observations, reflective thinking, discussions, students' works, and interviews. The Ladder of Inference developed by Argyris, Putnam, and Smith (2000) was used to analyze data. The results indicated that the course can help students improve environmental awareness and sensitivity, increase students' place identification and emotional involvement for the place, develop place meaning and values, and promote action competence and environmental action. Finally, implications were given for future place-based environmental education program development and teaching strategies.


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