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Exploring Mass Opinion on Sustainable Development of National Parks and Neighboring Communities From Different Perspectives


本研究旨在探討不同角色群眾對墾丁國家公園與鄰近社區永續發展議題觀點差異。墾丁國家公園是環境永續發展與教育落實的重要場域,然而其區域涵蓋高密度居民且商業開發區域較多,因此在凝聚不同觀點共識上具備高度挑戰性;本研究主軸在於統整與詮釋不同面向群眾的觀點,期許能提供墾丁國家公園與鄰近社區共利發展之參考。本研究場域為墾丁國家公園與其周圍方圓30公里內的地區,研究對象分為三類,包含社區居民、一般民眾及墾丁國家公園工作人員;運用「墾丁國家公園及其鄰近社區之永續發展議題」問卷(Chronbach α值達.90)收集150位研究對象的量化資料,並隨機抽取其中30位進行開放性問卷以彙整質性資料。研究結果顯示:(一)三類研究對象對墾丁國家公園與鄰近社區永續發展重要性看法,均最重視管理層面,其次為生態層面,最後為社會經濟層面;(二)研究對象最重視的向度一致為管理層面的「教育與培訓」、「環境評估」、「衝突解決機制」、「立法」及生態層面的「生物質量(自然環境)」議題;(三)研究對象觀點歧異向度包含社會經濟層面的「總體經濟價值」與「直接投資」,以及管理層面的「衝突解決機制」與「非政府組織」議題項目。本研究建議相關單位未來可依觀點差異調整管理策略。


The purpose of this study was to explore the public's opinion on the sustainable development of national parks and neighboring communities from different perspectives. The study area was conducted within Kenting National Park and a 30-km radius of the park area. The research participants were divided into three categories: community residents, the general public, and Kenting National Park staff. Investigators of this study collected quantitative data from participants (N = 150) by using the questionnaire "Sustainable Development Issues in Kenting National Park and its Neighboring Communities." A random selection of 30 individuals from the research participants were used for qualitative investigative purposes. Investigators used open questionnaires and interviews to collect qualitative data from these individuals. Integrated interpretation through quantitative and qualitative data analysis was employed in this study. Results showed three important findings. First is that all three types of research participants viewed the importance of sustainable development of Kenting National Park and its neighboring communities, its management structure, its ecological construction, and its social economy. Second, research participants viewed the most consistent purposes of Kenting National Park and its surrounding area were "education and training," "environmental assessment," "conflict resolution mechanism," "legislation," and "ecological quality." Differences in the perspectives of the three groups of research participants included their "overall economic value" and "direct investment" of the local economy, and the "conflict resolution mechanism" and "nongovernmental organization" projects in the management structure of the park. Further discussion on other aspect of the analysis and recommendations for future investigation are also presented.


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