  • 學位論文


The Sustainability Assessment for Protected Area Management – A Case Study on the National Park

指導教授 : 蘇振綱


永續性評價在於強調應融合永續發展之概念,以進行檢視政策計畫內容執行成效是否達到預期設立之永續發展目標。台灣地區國家公園所佔面積約為總陸域面積之百分之九,其整體經營管理與土地使用之規劃應如何透過永續性評價機制之建立,進一步促進國土利用朝向永續發展,實為值得深入探究之主題。 透過文獻回顧彙整建構評價體系,並透過模糊德爾菲分析法確立評價體系之各項構面與準則,進而以分析網路程序法及分析階層分析法進行評價構面(或準則)相對重要性探討。此外針對評價指標成效表現係由各管理處自行評定績效等級,以進行整體經營管理永續性評價分析,並將永續性程度以雷達圖示分析。 研究結果顯示,決策者群體大多認為應以經營管理構面為主要發展方向,準則層級部份則著重土地使用分區劃設適宜程度。現實生活中的各種決策問題其實很難以彼此獨立的關係來看待,在實際關係中是相當複雜且具有彼此依存性的;因此,本研究建議保護區(國家公園)經營管理永續性評價此一決策問題應以構面具有相互影響關係的觀點來探討其相對重要性為較佳之方式。 綜合評估台灣地區國家公園應積極改善方向可包括:災害防治成效、管理計畫目標明確性與相關法令完整性、管理計畫目標與空間規劃契合度、經營管理目標規劃執行成效、資料管理與統計資料庫建置成效、環境教育活動舉辦成效等工作。而整體成效則係以高山型國家公園為永續性程度較高,而遊憩型的墾丁及陽明山園區應加強區內觀光遊憩壓力過大造成的違規行為舉發案件數量較多而影響管制成效之問題。研究成果可作為國家公園永續性評價機制建立之基礎。


Sustainability Assessment was developed to review whether the effects of certain polices, plans and programs to meet the expected objectives for sustainable development or not. The national parks occupied the national land about 9% in Taiwan. Establishing a sustainability assessment mechanism is very important to the management and land-use planning of national parks. It is worthy for studying the sustainable development of national land-use. This study further discusses the relevance of every indicator through literature review and Fuzzy Delphi Method, and then using reviews the extent of sustainability through sustainability indicator collection, Analytic Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Process. The sustainability assessment result displays through RADAR diagrams. According to the result of the study, the opinions of the group of policymakers focus on the “Management” and “Land Zoning”. But it is difficult to be independent in the reality. Therefore, this study suggests that it should make policy through Analytic Network Process. There are some ways to be active to improve of the purpose of this study, including the prevention and cure of disaster, the explicit management objects and the integrated law, planning of the space to conform to the management objects, to establish the data bank, to get the environment and educating moving of the national park in Taiwan.


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