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Promoting Student STEM Literacy Through Contextual-Based Inquiry-Driven Argumentation STEM Teaching


本研究目的在探討情境式探究論證導向科學、技術、工程和數學領域(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, STEM)教學提升國中生STEM素養之成效。本研究於高雄市選取某國中49位國一學生,參加一學期12週次情境式探究論證導向STEM教學,再以立意取樣選取8位在STEM能力測驗前測分數前15%學生及8位在STEM能力測驗前測分數後15%學生為目標學生,每週撰寫學習單及教學介入後實施個別訪談;並隨機選取該校一年級30位學生為對照組,實施一般自然科教學。所有參與學生於進行教學介入之前及之後分別填寫STEM學習參與度量表、STEM自我效能量表及STEM能力測驗,以瞭解實驗組與對照組學生在STEM素養的差異。經由共變數分析發現實驗組學生在STEM學習參與度、STEM自我效能及STEM能力總分及各分向度分數都顯著高於對照組學生。再經由不斷比較法分析發現,開放的學習環境、具挑戰的任務及良好的合作關係,能促發目標學生更願意參與科學活動;受到教師肯定、自覺學業成績進步、上課有收穫、自我成長時,國中生的STEM自我效能會顯著提升;透過對話論證有助於澄清學生知識概念,誘發學生全面思考,能從情境中深入探討生活中運用的知識,並有效釐清學生的科學概念。本研究發現可作為未來提升STEM素養課程、教學及未來相關研究的參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of a Contextual-Based Inquiry-driven Argumentation (CIA) Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) teaching strategy on junior high students' STEM engagement, STEM self-efficacy, and STEM competency. Forty-nine ninth grade students were conveniently selected to participate in a 12-week CIA STEM course and chosen as the Experimental Group (EG) for this study. In addition, thirty ninth graders from the same school were also randomly selected as the Comparison Group (CG). All participants in both groups were evaluated on their STEM engagement, STEM self-efficacy, and STEM competency before and after the CIA STEM intervention. Eight students who scored either in the top 15% or the bottom 15% of the pre-test were specially selected and observed weekly. Individual interviews with these students were conducted at the end of the intervention. Based on covariance analysis, EG students' mean scores for STEM learning engagement, STEM self-efficacy, and STEM competency were significantly higher than their CG counterparts. A continuous comparative analysis revealed that an open learning environment, challenging tasks, cooperative, and friendly relationships affected the target students' engagement in scientific activities. When these students received affirmation from their teachers, their academic performance improved and their STEM self-efficacy and STEM competency improved significantly. Furthermore, through the interactive dialogue argumentation, students' scientific conception and high level thinking skills improved. The results of this study provide a fresh insight on science teaching and related studies.


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