  • 期刊


The Study of the Consumer Behavior of the New Myopia Operation-A Case Study of Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis


近視民眾最多採用之治療方式包括普通眼鏡矯正、隱形眼鏡矯正及近視開刀矯正等方式,其中近視開刀矯正方式中以準分子雷射角膜重塑術(Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis,以下簡稱LASIK)為最新之眼科治療手術,而民眾對於接受LASIK治療的意願及看法皆不相同。本研究目的乃在探討民眾對於接受LASIK治療意願與否之族群特質差異及其相關因素。本研究將近視族群區分為知曉群、興趣群及採用群等三個族群,以台中市符合準分子雷射角膜重塑術(LASIK)受術條件之近視族群民眾為研究母群體,利用面訪及郵寄問卷方式收集資料,並以卡方分析、變異數分析、鑑別分析等統計方法,來分析本研究之各種問題。本研究結果發現在知曉群、興趣群及採用群等三個族群方面,採用群不同於興趣群及知曉群的特質有下列數項:以女性偏多、近視度數較高、對「LASIK」認知暸解程度較高、手術重視偏向醫師聲譽相關因素構面,而其資訊來源偏向周遭親朋好友的推薦。興趣群不同於知曉群的特質為家庭平均月收入較低、術後發生後遺症機率之認知較高、術後復原狀況之認知較高、價格之認知較高。由於民眾最佳資訊來源之一為透過親朋好友推薦,因此建議透過採用群讓其他民眾得到相關資訊,讓興趣階段的民眾向前邁至採用階段,並加強民眾對LASIK的受術者條件的瞭解,增加新的採用群。


The common ways to treat nearsighted problems are wearing eyeglasses, contact lenses correction and myopia operation. Among these treatments, Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) has been the latest developed technology. However, patients have different perspectives about this new technology. The purpose of this research is to explore the characteristics among different patient groups about their willingness to undergo this surgery, and examine the related factors that influenced their decision. Based on three phases of consumers' response hierarchy model defined by Kotler, this research divided nearsighted patients into three groups including awareness group, interested group and action group. The study population is the nearsighted patients who are qualified for LASIK surgery in Taichung City. The samples of awareness group and interested group are collected from eyeglass shops and clinics. The samples of action group are collected by mail from patients who underwent eyes surgery in hospitals or clinics. The statistical tools, including chi-square test analysis, multivariate analysis, factor analysis and discriminant analysis, have been used in this study. The results showed that the action group differed from the other two groups. The major characteristics of action group include more female, more serious nearsighted patients, understanding LASIK better, more valuing physician's professional reputation and mainly obtaining information from their close friends and relatives. Compared to awareness group, the interested group has lower monthly family income and more awareness about the side effects, visual improvement and costs for surgery. Compared to the patients who had LASIK surgery in hospitals, patients who underwent LASIK in clinics are older, more serious nearsighted or astigmatic, and more aware about visual improvement after surgery. With regard to LASIK satisfaction, both groups are satisfied with the results of surgery and show no significant difference. Both groups are highly willing to introduce LASIK to their relatives and friends. Thus, medical institutions can develop marketing strategies through action group to deliver information, and adjust marketing strategies rapidly through feedback of information.


Response Hierarchy Model LASIK Ethnicity


Berkowitz, E.N.,Flexner, W.A.(1981).The Market for Health Care Services: Is there a non-traditional consumer?.Journal of Health Care Marketing.1(1),25-34.
