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Effect of Storage Temperature on Flowering of Lycoris aurea Herb.



為穩定金花石蒜的產量,本試驗的目的在評估不同溫度貯藏鱗莖對調節開花時期的影響,試驗乃藉由變溫或涼溫貯藏的方式達成。結果顯示,常溫4 週後涼溫2 週(R4C2)與常溫2 週後涼溫4 週(R2C4),兩組間開花之先後隨鱗莖採收月份而有所不同,但皆比對照組晚;常溫貯藏6 週者,其開花日期介於對照組與變溫貯藏之間;僅以涼溫貯藏的組別中,隨涼溫貯藏愈久開花越延後,平均開花日期較對照組約晚2-13 天。開花率未隨不同的溫度貯藏而有明顯的差異,然而,四月採收之鱗莖經過貯藏開花率普遍低於對照組,六月則高於對照組;鱗莖越晚採收則整體開花率有增加之趨勢,自四月的25-50%提升至六月的50-87.5%。其中,六月採收之鱗莖於R4C2 可以延後開花5 天,且於同一天開花,開花率達87.5%。總結,不同溫度處理鱗莖可影響金花石蒜的開花時期。


變溫 涼溫 鱗莖


For stabilizing the production of Lycoris aurea, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bulbs of different temperature storage in regulating the flowering period of the L. aurea. The trails were achieved by varying temperature or cool temperature storage. The results of study indicated that one group was stored for 4 weeks at room temperature and then 2 weeks at a cool temperature (R4C2), and the other group was stored for 2 weeks at room temperature and then 4 weeks at a cool temperature (R2C4). The flowering dates of the two groups differed according to the month when the bulbs were harvested, and all of them flowered later than the control group did. The group stored for 6 weeks at room temperature (R6) flowered during the period between the flowering periods of the R4C2, R2C4, and control groups. The group that was stored for 6 weeks at a cool temperature flowered an average of 2-13 days later than the control group did. No evident difference was observed in the flowering rate of the groups stored at different temperatures. However, after storage, the bulbs harvested in April generally had a lower flowering rate compared with the control group, whereas those harvested in June had a higher flowering rate. Delaying the bulb harvest increased the overall flowering rate from 25.0%-50.0% in April to 50.0%-87.5% in June. Under R4C2 storage conditions, the blubs harvested in June presented a delay in the flowering date by up to 5 days, with all plants flowering on the same day at a rate of 87.5%. It was concluded that the flowering period of L. aurea by different temperature treatment of bulbs was influenced.


varying temperature cool temperature bulb
