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A Study On The Polypropylene Replacement Standard By Ultrasonic Method


現代人對於飲水安全的危機意識提高,不少人會選用逆滲透淨水器來確保飲 水品質。但淨水器中第一道聚丙烯濾心更換的方式為固定時間更換卻忽略使用量的多 寡與當地之水源品質。本研究採用總溶解固體檢驗出一特定地區之水源雜質含量為240ppm,使用此水源之濾心過濾5300公升後開始堵塞,再以超音波檢測此濾心之剩餘 容汙率為78.89%並以此設為更換標準。再以相同地區內使用率最高與最低且採用每90天更換下的兩樓層濾心進行比較,區域內濾心剩餘容汙率為分別為73.09%與80.08%。根據標準,該地區濾心更換時間改為每95天與76天更換。依結果顯示根據更換標準 比以往固定時間之更換方式可靠。


To improve the safety of drinking water, many people will use reverse osmosis water purifier to secure drinking water quality. However, the polypropylene filter in the water purifier is to replace it in a same time but ignore the amount used of water and the quality of the local water source. In this study, the water source was detected by the total dissolved solids was 240ppm. Polypropylene filter start to clog when it filtered 5300 liters, the residual rate of contamination was 78.89% tested by the ultrasonic detection. Based on the standard result, compare with maximum and minimum amount of used filters. The residual rate of contamination was 73.09% and 80.08% in this area. The expiry date change to 95 days and 76 days. According to the results, the replacing method is more certain than the previous way.
