  • 期刊


Compare and See: The Method of "List and Compare" in Spring and Autumn Annals Comparison by Liushuo




劉朔 屬辭比事 《春秋》 《左傳》


Traditionally, the thinking of "classification and category" for scripture analyzing is to gather events in similar traits and then to discuss the law and principle of saints from the same wordings. In this study, "list and compare" is considered as the methodology of "classification and category" for Spring and Autumn Annals before Tang Dynasty. In other words, "list and compare" are the process, method, and form when thinking, and "classification and category" is the model, result, and content generated from the thinking. Only after the modification of "classification and category" by Dangzu School, then the trend of "list and compare" in Song Dynasty started to emerge. Spring and Autumn Annals Comparison by Liushuo in Southern Song Dynasty was one of the works under such new trend. Secondly, in terms of the use of "list and compare," Liushuo took the description method of "full explanation" in Zuo Zhuan, connecting relevant texts of the event and jumping out of the frame of "classification and category", where the list is purely composed of words. Such broke through the traditional structure of traditional "classification and category - list and compare". Thirdly, Liushuo once promoted the school of Yongjia. Compared with the scholar Chen Fuliang, who were in the region of Yongjia, Liushuo added a value determination of "morality and trend", even though both stressed the history evolution of "situation and trend" in Chunqiu Period. Discovering a principle of "morality learning" and connecting "list and compare" with "ethics and morality", Liushuo clearly has a different historical interpretation from that of Chen Fuliang's in terms of explaining historical figures during Chunqiu Period.


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