

背景資料:代謝症候群引發之相關疾病有心血管疾病、糖尿病、腎臟病、高血壓等。代謝症候群的患者,得到其他相關疾病的風險較高。國人的十大死因中,與代謝症候群相闋的疾病就占了五項,包括腦血管疾病、心臟病、糖尿病、腎病變、高血壓,這些疾病的總死亡率已超過惡性腫瘤。代謝症候群牽涉範圍廣,因此本研究探討代謝症候群相關之危險因子。研究方法:以2006年1月至12月在台中市某醫學中心進行自費健康檢查的民眾為對象,最後有1696位符合條件進行資料分析。使用2005美國膽固醇教育計劃NCEP ATP III作為代謝症候群標準。採取橫斷式病例對照研究,將研究對象分為健康組(不具任何標準)、高危險組(1至2項標準)、代謝症候群(3項標準以上)三組進行分析。使用變異數分析及卡方檢定比較組間差異,並以多變項邏輯司迴歸分析代謝症候群與相關因子之間的關係。統計分析利用SAS統計分析軟體9.1版來進行。結果:研究對象中,健康組358位,高危險組929位,代謝症候群組409位。在多變項邏輯司迴歸分析發現年齡、性別、教育程度、SGOT、SGPT以及尿酸與代謝症候群風險上升有關。規律的運動習慣及B型肝炎表面抗原呈陽性則與危險性下降有關。結論:年齡、性別、教育程度、SGOT、SGPT、尿酸、運動習慣以及B型肝炎表面抗原會影響罹患代謝症候群之危險性大小。


Background:Patients with metabolic syndrome are at high risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, and high blood pressure. Five of the top ten leading causes of death in Taiwan are related to metabolic syndrome, which include cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, nephropathy, and hypertension. The total mortality rate of these diseases has exceeded that of malignant tumors. This study aims to investigate the risk factors of metabolic syndrome.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional case-control study in which we recruited subjects who came for health checkups at a medical center in Taichung City. From January 2006 to December 2006, a total of 1696 subjects were eligible for data analysis. According to 2005 NCEP ATP III standards, the subjects were divided into three groups: healthy group (those without anyone component of the metabolic syndrome), high-risk group (those with 1-2 components of the metabolic syndrome), and metabolic syndrome group (those with more than 3 components of the metabolic syndrome). The differences among groups were compared using analysis of variance and chi-square test, while the associations between metabolic syndrome and risk factors were estimated by multivariate logistic regression analysis.Results: The study came up with 358 subjects in the healthy group, 929 in the high-risk group, and 409 in metabolic syndrome group. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age, gender, education level, SGOT, SGPT and uric acid were associated with increased risks of metabolic syndrome, whereas regular exercise habits and hepatitis B surface antigen positivity were associated with decreased ones.Conclusion: The results suggest that age, gender, education level, SGOT, SGPT, uric acid, exercise habits, as well as hepatitis B surface antigen are risk factors of metabolic syndrome.


Kutkut, A. (2013). 台灣停經前婦女特殊種類之高雄性素的臨床及生化表徵 [master's thesis, Taipei Medical University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2013.00031
莊瑋芷、陳富莉(2019)。醫院保健志工代謝症候群培訓課程成效之研究:應用Natural Helper概念台灣公共衛生雜誌38(2),167-177。https://doi.org/10.6288/TJPH.201904_38(2).107078
