  • 期刊


The Kinetics Analysis on 3 Crouch of Blocks Distance Start


目的:探討三種踏板距離蹲距式起跑動力學參數之間的差異。方法:以8位高中短距離選手為研究對象(年齡16.38±0.52歲)。使用四個測力計分別安裝於起跑踏板的上方與下方,記錄三種蹲距式起跑之動力學參數,實驗數據以重複量數單因子變異數分析(α=.05)。如有達到顯著水準則進行事後比較,事後比較則採用杜凱式法(Tukey Method)進行。結果:雙腳踏板距離越長,選手在起跑反應時間、完成時間以及最大反作用力均無顯著差異,而在左、右腳衝量、最大發力率以及初始發力率則有顯著上的差異。結論:起跑雙腳踏板距離的改變對於起跑時產生的衝量、最大發力率以及初始發力率確實有明顯的差異,建議教練及選手先由距離較長的起跑模式訓練,經由不斷的調整及修正,才能找到適合選手本身的起跑模式,以利在比賽中,搶得先機,克敵致勝。


Purpose: To discuss the discrepancy about Kinetics Studies between the 3 blocks distance of crouch start. Method: 8 high school students (at age of 16.38±0.52) are picked as the samples of this experiment. Four dynamometers are applied to the upper and lower part of the paddle in order to record the kinetics parameter of the 3 crouch start. The statistics which represents will be analyzed by repeated measures one-way ANOVA (α=.05). Posteriori comparison ”Tukey Method” will only be used if the result reaches the level of significance. Result: The farther the distance of the paddle is, the less difference will be revealed on the contestant's reaction time, completed time and the maximum counterforce. However, there is a significant differentiation between the momentum of the legs, the rate of force and the rate of force prior to get out. Conclusion: As the study states, the adjustment of the distance between the paddles makes a significant differentiation between the momentum of the legs, the rate of force and the rate of force prior to getout. In order to have a consecutive victory, coaches and contestants are recommended to undergo a long-distance racing training, and to switch to the best getout mode for the contestants by making necessary adjustments and corrections.


crouch start start block distance Kinetics


Baumann, W.(1976).Kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the sprint start.(Biomechanics V-B).
