  • 期刊


Imagery Training in Archery: Introduction and Implications




Given that the competition level of competitive sports has gone exponential, athletes and coaches should focus not only on skills training but also on psychological skills training in order to be successes in sports events. The present review particularly focuses on imagery training of psychological skill and introduces: (1) the meaning of imagery, the types of imagery, and it was influencing factors; (2) research related to imagery training and archery, and (3) the implications of imagery training as applied to archery. Specifically, the first section offers imagery definitions, details five types of imagery, and their influencing factors, such as imagery ability and its relationship to athletes' skills. The second section includes imagery studies examining copying strategies, the content of the imagery selected, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and the experiences of the Chinese Taipei Sports Science Archery Team. The third section provides recommendations for using imagery training in three archery situations, including training practice, competition, and in injury situations. We also propose other comments when developing an applied model of imagery uses in archery.


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