  • 期刊


The Effects of Six-Week High-Intensity Interval Training on Body Composition, Power, Agility, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Elementary School Students


小學生的活動量與體育課時數不足,已經成為我國小學生面臨的問題,使得學生肌肉量減少、肥胖率逐年提升,導致日後罹患代謝性疾病(如心血管疾病、II型糖尿病、肌少症)風險提升。近年來研究指出,高強度間歇訓練(high-intensity interval training, HIIT)視為有效且省時的訓練模式,對於增進有氧適能與增肌減脂都有良好的效果。目的:本研究希望利用每週兩次、每次30分鐘的學校體育課程結合六週的HIIT,探討是否能改善學生的健康體適能與競技體適能,以及身體組成之效益。方法:研究採立意抽樣,將學生分為HIIT實驗組與對照組各55名,觀察國小生在身體組成、爆發力、敏捷性與心肺適能的表現。結果:實驗組在前後測比較顯示健康體適能與競技體適能皆有顯著進步(體脂肪率、骨骼肌率、身體質量指數、30公尺衝刺跑、立定跳遠、20公尺 × 4折返跑、800公尺跑),但對照組僅立定跳遠有顯著進步;性別差異的部分,僅實驗組男童在30公尺衝刺跑項目中,顯著優於其他三組(p < .05);整體而言,實驗組男女童在各項指標改變量均優於對照組男女童,且達顯著差異(p < .05)。結論:本研究顯示在持續六週HIIT課程後,可以有效增進國小高年級學生爆發力、敏捷性、心肺適能,增加身體肌肉量與改善體脂肪率,成效優於一般體育課程;本課程訓練模組可提供日後體育課程在國小高年級改善體適能並達到健康促進之目的。


The limited physical activities and insufficient hours in physical education have become a critical issue among elementary school students in Taiwan. The reduced muscle mass and increased fat rate were prevailing because of insufficient physical activities, and the risk of metabolic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, types II of diabetes, and sarcopenia, were highly associated with obesity and low physical activities. In previous studies, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been elucidated as an effective workout with efficiency and physiological benefits. Purpose: In the current study, we hypothesize that HIIT programs could improve the health-related physical and performance-related physical fitness, and the anthropometric indexes in the elementary population with six weeks duration (twice per week and 30 minutes/time). Methods: Based on purposive sampling, the elementary school students were allocated into HIIT experiment group and control group (n = 55 for each group) with parallel and pretest-posttest control group designs to observe the effects of the HIIT program on physical fitness (power, speed, agility, and cardiorespiratory fitness) and body composition. Results: In the comparison of pretest-posttest on health-related physical and performance-related physical fitness, and anthropometry, the experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in body fat percentage, skeletal muscle percentage, body mass index, 30-meter sprint, standing long jump, 20-meter × 4 foldback, and 800-meter running within groups, and only the standing long jump in the control group was significantly elevated. Regarding gender differences, only the male students in the experimental group significantly increased in the 30-meter sprint (p < .05) compared to the other three groups. On the delta difference of pretest-posttest, both genders in the experimental group significantly increased in all the indexes compared to the control group (p < .05). Conclusion: After a six-week HIIT course that could effectively improve physical fitness (explosive power, agility, and cardiorespiratory fitness) and anthropometry (height, muscle mass, and body fat) in elementary school senior students. We proposed that the HIIT programs in the current study could be applied to physical education courses for multiple benefits on fitness, growth, and weight management in the future curriculum design of physical education.


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