  • 期刊


A Review of Taiwan's Rice Policy and Benefits of Fundamental Reform Measures


我國於公元2002年正式加入世界貿易組織(WTO)。依據該組織規範,應削減農業境內支持(AMS)20%,並開放部分稻米進口。為確保國內糧食安全,維護農民收益及農田生態環境,政策上持續辦理「水旱田利用調整計畫」與稻穀保價收購。因此,稻穀價差補貼的政策支出並未顯著減少,亦未達成市場價格穩定之效果,此顯示目前所推動的各項稻米調整政策,並未達到預期目標。因此,需有較週全的替代方案,才能因應稻米市場自由化與國際化的挑戰。 本文所提之稻米產銷調整之基本改革措施,每年每公頃之調整費用設定為27,854元,較現行每公頃之補貼費用35,567元,削減了7,713元的AMS,削減比率為21.7%。若與處理現行稻農每公頃之稻穀繳交數量所需支付的38,891元相較,則每公頃可節省11,037元的財政負擔。若考慮目前公糧收購之總支出,則每年每公頃需107,866元,但本文調整產銷所需的支出僅為27,854元,僅約佔目前公糧收購支出的四分之一。農會或糧商在擴大經營規模的誘因鼓勵下,每擴增一公頃耕作面積,其總成本平均將下降8,300元。面對經貿自由化及國際化的競爭日趨激烈,採取稻米產銷調整之基本改革措施,將有助於稻米產業結構之調整與永續發展。


Taiwan has officially become a WTO member in 2002. According to the agreement, Taiwan should reduce agriculture AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support) by 20 percent and allowing more rice imports. However, domestic agricultural objectives in pursuing food security, farm income level, and farm ecology imply both ”paddy-upland utilization adjustment program” and rice price support program should be maintained. The result is that government expenditure on the rice subsidy payment is still very high and rice price is also volatile. It seems that all the current rice adjustment programs are not adequate in handling with the conflicts between domestic and international objectives. Therefore, there is a need of alternative scheme in dealing with the challenges of rice market liberalization and globalization. The benefits of fundamental reform measures as discussed in this paper are substantial. Total per year per hectare payment under this reform is only 27,854 N.T. dollars, less than the current 35,567 N.T. dollars. This means a 21.7 percent cut in AMS. The cost of government rice is now 38,891 N.T. dollars per hectare or 11,037 N.T. dollars higher than the alternative reform payment under the scenario of no government rice. The overall cost of government surplus rice is even higher, almost four times as the alternative discussed in this paper. The reform facilitates the economy of scale of rice operation. It suggests that if farmers' associations or agribusiness firms are willing to tape this opportunity, then production cost per hectare will decrease by 8.300 N.T. dollars. Facing with the challenges of trade liberalization and globalization, it is imperative that we should consider this fundamental reform measures seriously. This reform is also very promising in transforming the rice sector and maintaining a sustainable agriculture.


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World Trade Organization (WTO)(1995).Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations-Agreement of Agriculture.


