  • 期刊


EU Food Safety Institutions: Lessons for Taiwan's Food Safety Reform




Food safety emerged as a key health and safety issue following a series of food scandals in Europe and Taiwan which began in the 1990s. Proper institutional control has been recognized as an essential element in protecting the health and interests of consumers with respect to food, and so, following the adoption of Regulation 178/2002, the EU acted to establish an effective food control system convering all the food chain from farm to table. The EU applied a seperation principle for risk assessement and risk management in food safety. In line with the European Commission responsible for risk management, the major institutions of the EU food safety include: an independent European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in charge of scientific risk assessment to promote rationality of food policy decision; the European Union Reference Laboratories (EU-RLs) in assistance with regular and systematic food inspection to raise food quality; and the food safety police in Member States in auditing food products and cracking down illegal activities. As a whole, the EU institutional system would enhance the EU's food safety governance and promote the implementation of EU food law. This food control system also facilitates the Europeanisation of risk assessment and food inspection at the European level and provides a multilevel institutional protection for food safety and consumer interest in the EU Member States. This paper examines EU food control jurisprudence and the associated institutional frameworks on risk assessment, reference laboratories, and food safety police, and compares these with corresponding institutions in Taiwan. It also offers some critical proposals for reforming Taiwan's laws to enhance the food safety system and consumer welfare in general.


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