  • 期刊
  • Ahead-of-Print


Review: The Effect and Application of the Countermovement Jump Test on Monitoring Neuromuscular Fatigue among Athletes




Neuromuscular fatigue after training and competition may affect subsequent performance and training among athletes. Thus, the management of neuromuscular fatigue is also a part of sports training. In recent years, the countermovement jump test has become a helpful tool for detecting changes in neuromuscular function and is widely used to monitor neuromuscular fatigue in athletes. Methods: This article searched the PubMed database from 2011 to 2021 for the monitoring and applications of the countermovement jump test in neuromuscular fatigue through literature review to understand the test characteristics and monitoring period for application in actual training of team sports. Conclusion: The countermovement jump test is often used for fatigue monitoring during training or competition, with some characteristics and potential limitations. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of different exercises and their training cycles along with a squat jump test can effectively monitor neuromuscular fatigue.
