  • 期刊


Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Chronic Cheilitis


慢性唇炎(Chronic cheilitis),類似於文獻中所記載的“唇風”,俗稱“驢嘴風”,以唇部紅腫、疼癢,日久破裂流水為特徵,可發生於上下唇,以下唇較常見,好發於秋冬季節。本例是一位58歲的女性患者,上下唇的紅赤、腫脹、灼熱感症狀已持續約有3年,來診時無疼癢、流水等症狀,西醫皮膚科治療久未見好轉,患者自述平時無舔唇或咬唇等習慣,生活作息也正常,本例因病遷延日久,氣血凝滯瘀阻,故治療期間用藥主要是以活血化瘀,軟堅散結為主,佐以清熱瀉火,補氣養陰之劑為輔,患者於95/12/15初診,經歷三個多月的中藥治療,於96/3/21回診時兩唇紅腫、灼熱感幾已消失,粗硬感減,患者反應良好,療效滿意。


Chronic cheilitis can occur on both lips, more often on lower lip. The main popular seasons are fall and winter. Inflamed, ache, itch, and leaking fluid with the passing of time are the most common symptoms. The case reported here is of a 58 year-old female, whose upper and lower lips were continual getting red, swollen, and burning for about 3 years. There were no symptoms of ache, itch, or leaking fluid when she came to the Chinese medicine clinic. No habit of licking or biting of the lips. Because of the longlasting of qi depression and blood stasis, we treated the patient with the medicine to remove blood stasis and dissipate hard mass. After 3 months treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, her cheilitic condition improved.

