  • 期刊


A Model of Clinical Skill Evaluation in Novice Pharmacists Using Objective Structured Clinical Examination


本文介紹台灣東區不同層級醫院之整合性PGY 藥師聯合OSCE(客觀性結構式臨床技能測驗)規劃與執行過程,以了解新進藥師臨床技能訓練成效,亦做為未來設計類似課程的參考。該課程自2013 年至2014 年進行,來自宜蘭、花蓮、臺東等六家醫院十四名自學校畢業一年至二年的年輕藥師參加。透過標準化病人的實境模擬,考官不但可以了解年輕藥師在指導病人正確使用藥物、衛教藥物副作用、釐清並解決病人問題等專業技能,以及藥師與病人、醫師的溝通能力等,同時可以適時指正改進的地方,具體了解年輕藥師的執業能力,更有助於提升病人安全。


藥師 臨床技能


This paper describes the planning and implementation of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for postgraduate year (PGY) pharmacists in teaching hospitals of different levels of in eastern Taiwan. The purpose of OSCE was to evaluate the training outcomes of PGY pharmacists and the experiences can form a solid foundation for similar evaluation programs in the future. This joint OSCE was conducted from 2013 to 2014, with PGY 1 and 2 junior pharmacist participants from six teaching hospitals in three different counties in eastern Taiwan. The OSCE examiners, with assistance from standardized patients in simulating clinical scenes, could observe the professional skills of the junior pharmacists including consultation of correct drug usage, health education of drug side effects, clarifying and resolving patients' questions, and the ability to communicate with patients and physicians. In the meantime, the joint OSCE could help indicate the places to be improved, apprehend the professional ability of the newly employed pharmacists and enhance patient safety.


Pharmacists clinical skill
