  • 期刊


An Investigation on the Impacts of Renqing and Guanxi on Direct Selling Distributor Relationship and Organizational Commitment




人情 關係 組織承諾 關係承諾


Renqing and guanxi are special inter-personal cultural assets in Chinese society. Renqing often is important both as resources while interacting with others, and as behavior guidelines. Guanxi is considered an important channel to successful inter-personal interactions. Being the foundations for Chinese economic activities, renqing and guanxi are key factors to the success of direct selling, since its development nature is based on relation network development. This study intends to examine effects of renqing and guanxi on direct selling distributor's relationship and organizational commitment. In total 341 valid questionnaires are collected from 33 Taiwanese direct selling companies. Major findings are as following: (1). Renqing positively affect guanxi. (2). Guanxi type does not have mediating effect between renqing and organizational commitment. (3). Affective guanxi type mediates the effect between renqing and relationship commitment. (4). Guanxi type has no mediating effect between relationship commitment and organizational commitment.
