  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Thought of Keeping in Good Health in "Lao Zi Xianger's Note"




老子 養生 老子想爾注 道精 煉氣


"Lao Zi Xianger Note" is an important classic for the interpretation of "Lao Tzu" by the Taoist Master. Therefore, its main theory of health preservation is still inherited from the theory of "Lao Tzu". Therefore, the root of "Lao Zi Xianger Note" is "Tao". , And the "Tao" is abundant in the heaven and the earth, and the human being in the heaven and the earth is also part of the "Tao". Therefore, the Tao is also in the human body, and the way the Tao enters and leaves the human body is through the flow of air Therefore, if a person wants to live a long life, he also needs to cooperate with the reciprocating cycle of the essence of "Dao", and "Lao Tzu Xianger Note" further puts forward the theory of essence and precious essence, and essence refers to "Dao essence." "Dao Jing" is the foundation of all things in the universe. If a person can keep Dao Jing, he can naturally live long and even live long. In "Lao Zi Xiang Er Zhu", the method of condensing essence and precious essence is based on the realm of tranquility. The foundation of various health-preserving methods is also to achieve the realm of longevity. From this we can also find out that although the quiet thought of "Lao Zi Xiang Er Zhu" originated from "Lao Zi" and "Tai Ping Jing", it has been transformed into the way of health cultivation practice used by Tianshi Tao.


(東漢)荀悅,(晉)袁宏著:《兩漢記》,北京:中華書局,2002 年 6 月。
(西晉)陳壽撰:《三國志》,北京:中華書局,1959 年 12 月。
(劉宋)范曄:《後漢書》,北京:中華書局,1966 年 5 月。
(魏)王弼注:《老子道德經注校釋》,北京:中華書局,2008 年 12 月。
朱謙之:《老子校釋》,北京:中華書局,2000 年 9 月。
