  • 期刊


The Formation of Confucian and Shinto: Concepts of "Mind" in Yamazaki Ansai and Suika Shinto




山崎闇齋 朱子學 垂加神道 神儒一致


Yamazaki Ansai (1618-1682) was a famous scholar of Zhu Xi philosophy (Chinese Confucianism) who lived during the Japanese Tokugawa period. His strong belief in Zhu Xi led him to inquire profoundly into the philosophy and create the Kimon school. In addition, his historical research on the Shinto and Suika Shinto philosophies reveals that he was a believer in Japanese Shinto. Zhu Xi and Japanese Shinto are distinct with respect to their systems of philosophy and religion. However, the two coexist in the mind of Yamazaki Ansai and merely represent different explanations of the same essential truth. How did this unity come about? Many studies have been conducted on Yamazaki Ansai, but none have provided clear and reasonable explanations concerning the unity of Shinto and Confucianism. Therefore, this thesis aims to reconcile the apparent conflicts between the Zhu Xi Philosophy and Shinto and examine Ansai's ideas concerning the non-contradictory coexistence of the two.


【宋】朱熹:《朱子全書》(修訂本,上海市:上海古籍出版社;合肥市:安徽教育出版 社,2010)。
山口春水。《強齋先生雜話筆記》,《續日本隨筆大成》(東京都:吉川弘文館,1981), 冊12,249。
