  • 期刊


Japanese and Korean Confucian Perspectives on Christianity




天主 太極 日、韓儒者 排耶 儒耶會通


This paper compares the perspectives of Japanese and Korean Confucianists on Christianity and the origins of the world. Based on a review of anti-Christian documents written in the early 17th century in Japan, and Confucianist Hayashi Razan's deliberation of ”Taichi” and ”God,” this study examines religious debates about ”the kingdom of God” and ”the kingdom of Buddha.” During the early stages of the dissemination of Catholicism into Korea, Confucianists debated the concepts of Taichi and God intensely. In the 19th century, Confucianists refuted the theory of God by contrasting it with the idea of Taichi based on Zhu Xi's neo-Confucian worldview. During the final years of the Tokugawa period and the beginning of the Meiji restoration in the mid-19th century, some Japanese anti-Christian scholars contested Christianity's theory about the creation of the world by applying the qi-monism theory. Initially, criticism about Christianity's violation of loyalty and filial piety in human relationships was not developed in these anti-Christian debates. However, as Christianity began to gain influence in Korea during the late-18th century and in Japan during the mid-19th century, anti-Christian perspectives focused increasingly on loyalty and filial piety, as demonstrated in Confucian ethical codes practiced during these periods. This specific form of criticism of Christianity gradually became a major topic in religious circles.


張崑將。《德川日本「忠」「孝」概念的形成與發展―以兵學與陽明學為中心》(臺北 市:臺大出版中心,2004)。
丁範祖。〈四編證疑後說〉,《海左先生文集》,《韓國文集叢刊》(首爾特別市:民族文 化推進會,1990),卷37,冊240,171。
中江藤樹。〈太上天尊大乙神經序〉,《日本の陽明學(上)》(東京都:明德出版社, 1972),冊上,522。


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