  • 期刊


Effects of Physical Therapy on Physical Performance, Balance and Walking Ability of Elderly Persons who are Participating in "Community Eldercare Service"


Background and Purpose: As the elderly population in Taiwan increases, ”community eldercare service” forms an essential part of the government’s elderly welfare program policy. The purpose of the study was to determine whether combining participation in the ”community eldercare service” with short-term physical therapy was able to improve the physical performance, balance and walking ability of the elderly individuals living in the community. Methods: A total of 52 participants were recruited for this study; these individuals were divided into 27 individuals who formed the experimental group and 25 individuals who formed the control group. All subjects were participating regularly in ”community eldercare service” activities, which involved two 3-hour sessions per week. The experimental group had physical therapy added to one of the two sessions every week and the physical therapy sessions lasted 3 months. Outcome measures included physical performance, balance and walking ability. Results: In total, 49 subjects completed the study. No significant difference was found in terms of patient characteristics or outcome parameters between the experimental and control groups at baseline. After 3 months, the experimental group showed significant improvements in the short physical performance battery (SPPB) test, the functional reach (FR) test, the one leg stance test, the time up and go (TUG) test and the 10-meter walk test compared to the control group. Conclusions: A combination of ”community eldercare service” participation with short-term physical therapy is able to improve the physical performance, balance and walking ability of elderly individuals living in the community. However, the improvements warrants further verification using a longer follow-up. Clinical Implications: We hope these findings provide in-depth information on the important role that physical therapists can play in programs providing ”community eldercare service”.


Background and Purpose: As the elderly population in Taiwan increases, ”community eldercare service” forms an essential part of the government’s elderly welfare program policy. The purpose of the study was to determine whether combining participation in the ”community eldercare service” with short-term physical therapy was able to improve the physical performance, balance and walking ability of the elderly individuals living in the community. Methods: A total of 52 participants were recruited for this study; these individuals were divided into 27 individuals who formed the experimental group and 25 individuals who formed the control group. All subjects were participating regularly in ”community eldercare service” activities, which involved two 3-hour sessions per week. The experimental group had physical therapy added to one of the two sessions every week and the physical therapy sessions lasted 3 months. Outcome measures included physical performance, balance and walking ability. Results: In total, 49 subjects completed the study. No significant difference was found in terms of patient characteristics or outcome parameters between the experimental and control groups at baseline. After 3 months, the experimental group showed significant improvements in the short physical performance battery (SPPB) test, the functional reach (FR) test, the one leg stance test, the time up and go (TUG) test and the 10-meter walk test compared to the control group. Conclusions: A combination of ”community eldercare service” participation with short-term physical therapy is able to improve the physical performance, balance and walking ability of elderly individuals living in the community. However, the improvements warrants further verification using a longer follow-up. Clinical Implications: We hope these findings provide in-depth information on the important role that physical therapists can play in programs providing ”community eldercare service”.


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